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Why does your business need a mentor?

Written by Nigel Browne on .

Road to success

2020 was a challenging year and forced many businesses to adapt, change plans and re-focus.

A new year is a fresh start and an excellent opportunity to think about your priorities, your goals and your direction. A business mentor can support you on that journey and add genuine value to your business.

Here are a few reasons why I think you would benefit from a business mentor in 2021.

A fresh pair of eyes

Do you have a head full of ideas but you’re not sure which ones are important, what to turn into reality or where to even start? Sometimes we are so bogged down in the day-to-day, it’s difficult to step back and see the big picture. With over 35 years of experience working for a variety of businesses, as well as running my own, I can certainly empathise with this feeling. I can also relate to many of the other challenges that you face when it comes to running a business! One of the most frequent comments from my clients is along the lines of “Nigel, you got out everything that was in my head, put it in order, made sense of it…and then helped me make it all happen.”

Things are getting too comfy!

I think most of us would admit this – we are creatures of habit! It is said that 45% of what we do on any given day is habitual. We like feeling safe and secure, and we only rock the boat if we really feel like it needs rocking. When it comes to business though, safe can very easily become stagnant and unappealing to our customers. Particularly in this fast-changing world.

If you want to see your business move forward, you will need to step out of your comfort zone somewhat and face those difficult questions you may shy away from asking yourself. As a business mentor, I like to think of myself as your unreasonable friend! I’m here to help, BUT I will challenge some of your thinking. We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges. Let’s face them together and overcome them. I want to see you and your business succeed!

You want to level-up

You have an idea about where you want your business to go but don’t have clarity on the steps to get there. As your business mentor, I would apply my tried and trusted, methodical approach to identify ways in which your business could improve. Starting with your vision, we would look at where you are now, where you want to be, and then formulate a plan to get you there.

I can be your sounding board

Leading a business can be a lonely position to inhabit. You have to wear lots of different hats on a daily basis. Contest with personnel management, finances and ultimately carry the burden of responsibility and worry around on your shoulders. A business mentor can be your ally and confidante. Someone who can listen to your frustrations and be a sounding board for your goals and ideas.

Next steps

We always start with a free consultation, so there’s no obligation if you don’t feel like it’s right for you at this time. Our 60-90 minute discussion enables me to gain an understanding of you, your business and where you want to be. I’ll then provide you with a few pointers about how I think you could achieve your vision, and my aim is that at the very least come the end of the session you have greater clarity than when we started.

If you’re a small business owner based in the South West of England, book your free mentoring session and let’s get started!

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