Business Mentors in Cheshire

Cheshire has many well known towns such as Warrington, Chester, Widnes, Nantwich and Crewe. It is primarily known for producing chemicals, Cheshire cheese, salt, and silk.

Latest data indicates that currently Cheshire is home to around 124,345 businesses, of which around 107,428 are small businesses with 0 to 5 employees (86%). 15,053 companies in Cheshire are medium sized businesses with 5 – 50 employees and there are 1,864 top companies in Cheshire with at least 50 employees.

Pets Purest, a pet supplement retailer is based in Sale, the sales were listed as being £6,344,905 - which is not bad for a firm the list says only has 10 employees. Nationally, Pets Purest is ranked at number 16 on the list. CEO, Oliver Bristow's main bit of advice would be: “don’t be afraid of things you don’t know. When we started, I remember thinking 'wait a minute, we don’t even know how to import products from China?' That was one of the most basic things we needed to do but I had no idea to begin with! At that time, there wasn’t much information on selling online. Today, anyone can Google how to do that. But when I started, it seemed like such a big hurdle to me. In retrospect, I know now that everyone starts out not knowing stuff. You just have to accept it, know that you’ll figure it out, so just go for it and keep trying”. 

That's one of the huge advantages of working with a business mentor. You don't always have to figure things out for yourself, or do it alone. A business mentor can quite often help you expedite the process allowing you to scale up faster.

Rob Douglass

Rob Douglass

Rob is a business leader with over 30 years of experience in various roles in technology and operations across multiple sectors.

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Mike Braddock

Mike Braddock

Mike has led businesses for the past twenty years, across a broad range of sectors including FMCG, engineering, manufacturing and software development, with experience of differing ownership structures from private equity backed to founder or family owned.

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Paul Clarke

Paul Clarke

Paul has significant experience having held senior positions for over 25 years. He is recognised as an excellent coach, mentor and speaker. He has clients all around Manchester, Cheshire & Lancashire.

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Find additional business mentors near Cheshire

From time to time, we may refer you to a mentor in one of Cheshire's neighbouring counties such as Staffordshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, or Lancashire if your local mentors are at full capacity or if we feel an alternative mentor would provide a stronger match for your specific needs, or if it works better for you logistically. You can learn more about each of the local mentors for those regions by selecting the relevant county below:

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